Purified Daughter

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I AM A Fruitful Follower


November 20, 2011



I don't expect many of you to be able to travel with me on this next journey. Most of you have closed minds and are blocked by the hindrance of fear--fear of the unknown or fear of someone's else presumptions or false notations. But I am not alone. There are many more that has already gone before me and has indeed paved the way for me. The path of my quest is beginning to be much brighter as I continue to remain open!

When you communicate to me, you are not speaking directly to me; you are merely having a dialogue with my thoughts...

Everything around me seems so real, but it is all just an imaginary image because in reality we are not from this place. We are just foreigners in this strange land! I felt like a stranger, a foreigner in a strange land. I long to come home where things are familiar and comfortable....

1 Peter 2:11-12, "Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. (12) But, you are called to separate yourselves from this strange land - You are called "to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul."

The more we want in this world, the more the longing desires separate us from where we are actually from...The more we gain in this world, the more we becomes separated from our Creator and the more we are as Adam when he fell in the garden. We too become fallen creatures in HIM (God). Our desires to be more pleasing to our flesh becomes like Adam's fall that was brought to all of humanity; it becomes a sinful nature. Yes, indeed we are all born with the desire to please ourselves and not God. We want to fulfill the desires of our flesh. We are sinful by nature, but if receiving a Gift from God fulfills our deepest cravings, then why do many of you still go around with a crave to be deceitful, lie, steal, gossip, bear false witness against your brother and sisters, demonstrate a deep desire of greed, murder, and the worst of them all build and worship idols of gods, i.e. money, cars, houses, people, educations, wealth, fame, etc...?

Yet, we say we are transformed and am a Christian, and have the Lord living within us. We are taught to believe he has given us a new heart and new mind. We confess we have the mind of Christ, but we are not being totally REAL with ourselves nor those around us. We confess we are no longer dead in our sins and no longer a slave to sin, but yet you have no control over your own desires not even your deepest thoughts or better yet your small tongue which is the deadliest of them all. Do you? Do you have the ability to change? If so, why haven't you become a demonstration to yourself and those around you? You must be tired of the same sphere of circling the same path. Are you? Are you tired of the same ole same, day in..day out; every year? Are you in a pattern that has been become full of loose pieces? Do you know how to break free? Do you need answers beyond your life's experience or former training or previous teachings?

Therefore, you wage war against the sinful desires of your own flesh or better yet your own self. You are called to abstain from those sinful desires, but until you can experience the unknown and BECOME OPEN; you will always be a slave to your own self & thoughts...

We are called out of the world to be sanctified, to be holy; to be purified, to be healed but in order to gain all of our desires, we must first pass the test of our deepest cravings. The things you want the most must be the things you least desire...


Thoughts of a Dreamer, At night, what are your dreams speaking to you? During the day, what are your thoughts telling you?

~Purified Daughter ♥   www.purifiedhealings.com 

(c) 2011. Purified Voice. All Rights Reserved.

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