Metamorphosed means to change the form or nature of: Transform! The one thing that saddens my heart is when I see my Sister 'n Christ, a WOMAN who has great potential that lies ahead of her, but she has chosen to cohabit together with a man, whom is without a vision, he is not her husband, and she has chosen to trade her most precious jewels (self, time, wisdom) for a void empty ticket to a false success and fulfilment. Sisters, you have been with him for 10+ years, had and raised his children & practically been the mother 'n father in the home, cooked him hot meals, washed his clothes, cleaned his house, BEEN THE HELP MEET and done everything else a HELP MEET is required to do...What were you thinking? He has no intentions in making you a QUEEN, when you can be his cheap HARLOT. He may take you out, showcase you in public with him, treat you as a valuable prize in the presence of his friends, but it is not him that is not receiving honor. Surely, you are a diamond and you make him shine everytime you are out in public with him, it is YOU that have traded your worth and carrying the crown of disgrace. You have just been labeled as a high price escourted Coach, not a queen or his wife, but a coach (prostitute)! My grandmother use to say:
WHY PAY FOR THE COW WHEN YOU CAN MILK HER FOR FREE?Those grandmothers had a way with words! On the otherhand, my grandfather would say, "A MAN WILL DO ONLY WHAT A WOMAN ALLOWS HIM TO DO!" Whoa, grandfather had a strong comeback, too. Sister, you have been milked for free and sold for pennies off the shelf. Wake Up and see your Worth. Then, you say...'BUT I AM HIS BABY MAMA. I AM A CHRISTIAN', I AM A PROVERBS 31 WOMAN. You may be a proverbs 31 christian woman, but because of your folly you have chosen to trade your heavenly inheritance for a wild useless earthly cause. WAKE UP, STOP SOARING YOUR OATS AMONG WILD FIELD FILLED WITH WILD THORNS [TARES] & UNFERTILE SOILS [DEAD GROUND]. ~There is NO RETURN in this kind of sowing.
The bible says, (1 Peter 2:9) "But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God's very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light."
Recently, I received a phone call from an old friend that I had not seen in quite some time during the week of my birthday. He called to wish me a happy birthday and asked to take me out for my birthday. Well, upon meeting him at the place of his choice (CHICK-FIL-A) to get icecream...Whoah, that is really big! Yeah, right! As we sat at the table eating icecream, he said the magic words. The words all women desire to hear, "I love you...!" I smiled and responded to say, "And Jesus loves you too!" He looked perplexed because obviously he was not expecting that answer in return. Then, he asked me the question. The one all woman patiently waits and long to hear, "What will it take to get you to marry me? Will you marry me...? I without hesitation, looked down at my icecream, look around at where he had decided to take me for my birthday (which represented a special day), took a close spiritual look at him and again without hesitation and answered him...
Brother, I have been metamorphosed (transformed). Year after year, you continue to ask me that same question. The first year I met you (2004) you had no relationship with Jesus, well after sharing with you my love and faith for Jesus, now I see you have developed a relationship in him. Well, the next few years, from (2006-2010) I have seen the seed of salvation grow within you. I have shared with you many things I see that is a hinderance to your spirutal growth, but you have continously refused to lay them aside and allow God to equip you to be the King that lies within you. During that time, I continued to share with you the importance of having a Godly vision and the right pillars (people) in your life, but still you have ignored the pearls (wisdom) that I have so unselfishly shared with you. You have asked me that same question over numerous times & each time I continue to demonstrate how valuable you are too me as a brother 'n Christ and as a friend...I went on to say to him,
I am a woman of vision. I am a woman of purpose. I am a woman of standards. I am a woman of noble character. I am a woman of good grace. I am a woman of generousity. I am a woman of worth...I AM A PROVERBS 31 WOMAN, NOT BECAUSE I AM MARRIED TO AN EARTHLY MAN, BUT BECAUSE I AM MARRIED TO JESUS CHRIST, `I AM A BRIDE OF CHRIST.` I am walking in the highest position in the earth as a wife...The Bride of a Priest, King, Son of Noble character, Bread of Life (JESUS CHRIST). The Bride of Christ is the high, purified and holy calling for Christ. Tell me brother..."Why would I dare trade my heavenly position, for an earthly temporary position and having looking around and having considered how how you think of me to take a King's Daughter to a chicken restaurant to eat icecream? You want me to be a noble woman to you, cook you hot meals, clean for you, care for you and be a help meet for you, but is this how you view me; as a cheap piece of meat (chicken) eating icecream? Well, I paused and with loving spoken words back to him and said, "I believe you have received your answer."Well, that has not stopped him, because he has since asked me again...Well, his persistence does not dictate nor does it alters my answer. My answer is connected to my Kingdom assignment. "I AM A BRIDE OF CHRIST!"
Women, stop trading your profitable worth for a temporary worthless useless value. I am not saying marriage is not a good thing, for it should be a gift from God, but God is not going to allow you to stack & shack with a man and test the waters before you commit to take the covenant journey. Knowing that marriage is ordained and blessed by God should give us great comfort, however the enemy lucifer has fought God from then beginning. Lucifer is working overtime to disrupt and destroy families by using every kind of weapon such as: lies, deceit, manipulation, perverted corrupt conversations, lust which leads to adultery, and so forth. God will not release to you a man that has not found satisfaction in the Heart of God. He wil not grant you to be with a man who is not able to care for you spiritually and financially. God cares for you and he delights in you. He will not cause you to be put to openly shame. He created the 'BEST FOR YOU. I leave you with this scripture from the bible,
(Proverbs 31:18, 26-27)
[18] She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night.
[26] "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. [27] She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
(Proverbs 10:29-30)
[29] Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. [30] Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
WOMEN, KNOW YOUR WORTH! Stop trading yourself to a Pawn Shopper; when God has created you to a valuable jewel with a high priceless value attached to you. Do you not know Your Maker is your husband— the Lord Almighty is his name. (Isaiah. 54:5)
You may be a Proverbs 31 Woman, but I AM... "THE BRIDE OF CHRIST". I AM a woman of Royalty, and the only way to purchase me is going through God, and you have to be chosen to approach me in any manner....Why? Because I have taken my stand which is beyond a Proverbs 31 Woman, I AM a Woman of Royalty, I have chosen to be presented perfect to Jesus Christ...I AM THE BRIDE OF CHRIST.
I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him. (2 Cor. 11:2)
"Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.) (Rev. 19:6-8) (bright and clean stands for purity)
Those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. (Rom. 8:29)
Woman, Don't Become a useless trade in a pawn shop of a pawn shopper. Resist his cheap offer. When a man approaches you, make sure he is wearing the right Spiritual Makeup. WOMEN, KNOW YOUR WORTH! There is a Bride that will be presented perfect to Jesus Christ, will it be YOU?
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