Purified Daughter

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I AM A Fruitful Follower


November 09, 2011

Hell just want leave me alone

 "Hell just want leave me alone"

We should never get tired of doing good. Sometimes, when we give out so much and receive so little in return, it could become very frustrating at times and cause us to think why am I on this journey? There are times when you stand on the battlefield for everyone else, give all you have and then when it is your turn it feels like destiny has overlooked you. You may try to take two steps forward just to feel like you have been knocked back down ten steps, but there is HOPE. You sometimes feel like you have lost all your friends and not a single human being on earth understands you, but I come to tell you God cares, and there is HOPE. Life can be so unfair at times, but don't loose sight of your HOPE. The bible says, "Now faith, is the substance of things HOPED for the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1) "
I know how you feel when you can't find enough strength to continue because you are exhausted, have so many pressing needs and little to no resources, feel so alone and have no body to listen to you and help you in your most desperately time of need, but I want to assure you that the small amount you have given out is nothing compared to the great supply of abundance you will receive. ITS YOUR TIME, SO RECEIVE! So, as I sit here gathering my thoughts on what to type for my next blog (Victorious Quest) for this evening, I want to leave you with these words of encouragement....

Galatians 6:9, "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary."

We know the scriptures, all so well...but what we experience as a delay is only a greater doing of God. We merely experience a temporary delay of the anger of God, but His favor toward us is for a lifetime...

Psalm 30:5,
For his anger endures but for a moment; in his favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
The devil does not want you to know that even in bad situations God is present...Take a look at the word below, there is a message for you in

If you remove the D.E.I; you get the word "Press On", but if you go back and reorganize the letters D.E.I; you get the word DIE. So, its a choice, in the midst of depression you can either DIE or PRESS ON....

I chose to PRESS ON, what about YOU?
I pray you would realize after today that you have total victory over all your enemies; regardless of what they are in this lifetime. The bible tells us to love our enemies, but that does not mean we have to accept what is being done to us, but in everything we should always do good to overcome evil. So, in my closing today, I want to leave you with this...Always remember..."SOFT ANSWERS TURN AWAY WRATH." Its easy to speak through anger, but the next time you are low in faith and someone ticks you off, just pause and say ..."Its okay, I love you anyhow!"

Bless you as you continue to travel down the journey to total spiritual healing,
Purified Daughter 
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