Purified Daughter

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I AM A Fruitful Follower


December 11, 2011

Complete Surrender; I AM near the cross!

I AM complete when I am near cross!

It amazes me when someone does something to wrong you; then out of love you walk away to keep peace. But the first words that come forth from their mouth is YOU DONT HAVE TO BE SO OFFENDED....but what they did not realize was that my love covers. If I had not walked away, my pain would have caused God's wrath to shone down on them, but to keep them under his mercy I decided to depart from them on the journey.

All is need but I apologize in order for reconciliation to take place. Many people never admits their faults because of pride. The bible is very clear on PRIDE. It comes right before the Fall...Dont allow your friendship to be wasted or destroyed because you were too prideful to admit your faults. A lot of people would not be walking in error if only the person would admit they were wrong and attempt to work at making it right...

"A small gesture of an apology can weigh so much and go a long way."
The only true path is the path that begins with and ends with “Yet not my will be done but thine.” This is the glorious path of victory, the path of faith, the path of death but this path leads to life and that more abundantly. I found myself struggling more on this path when I begin to pray for more of God's love. I wanted to feel the depth of love that God had for his people. Wow, I was in a great surprise because the more I begin to love the more it felt I was opening myself up to greater hurts. This path will be the life that He chose for us, with all of its trials and tribulations, but to be in the radical center of His will is to be on the narrow path that leads to life. Although, the tears flow, oh Lord they are for your glory. In all I do; my entire being, body, and soul is to live and walk this life out so it may be a reflection of you. I only desire to be a willing vessel and a light to others. I can't understand why I am often betrayed the most by the ones who are the closest to me. I do nothing but give, Oh Lord, but it seems the more I give the more is taken from me. It leaves me asking, What is true love? Does it really exists? How can I enjoy life and love when in fact it hurts so badly?

Your words say, Eye has not seen; nor has ear heard the things which you have in store for us, but by your Spirit these things have been revealed. If the truth be asked, why is it that the human beings find so much fulfillment in materialistic and idol things than in the heavenly net of the abundance of your love, wisdom, compassion, mercy and grace for them. Why do they feel so disconnected to you my Lord? Pain is forever flowing deep in their souls like an ache that can never be found in order it may be healed. It feels like the dessert without rain, or the sky with no sun or stars....Being apart from you Oh Lord is a sense of worthlessness...Your people need you Oh Lord...Many times I stopped and questioned my purpose while on this journey, but each time you remind me by fulfilling my heart with more love because you sent me to demonstrate love to your people as you have done us...Oh how can I ever imagine to stop because the enemy has planted another one in my life to betray and hurt me, my life belongs to you oh lord...

A shared happiness is twice the happiness. A shared sadness is half the sadness.

2 Corinthians 12:8 (ASV) 8 Concerning this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. ”

We know that Paul did not get His healing but He bows to the will of God and exclaims “Most gladly therefore I will rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Luk 22:42 saying, Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me. Yet not My will, but Yours be done....

Let love be your guide, it covers a multitude of sins...

Purified Daughter


Paul said...

You are a world mega superstar...dream big, celebrate others and never go out without a smile...

Youre loved

Purified Daughter (A Prophetic Voice) said...

Brother Paul,

Thank you so much for all your kind words of encouragement. I always look forward to our kingdom connection and am eager expecting on the day of your arrival to the States so we may join alongside each other in our Kingdom gifts and offices to make a sounding impact in the earth for the Kingdom of God...Bless you and until we meet again,
You are one of my superstars!