Purified Daughter

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I AM A Fruitful Follower


April 26, 2011



So many times when we have been walking in the ministry for so long; we forget about the BASICS. Even God left us Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE). If GOD left the BIBLE as the basics and did not try to make it so advanced, they why do we live our lives in advancement. Everyone have heard the KISS method. (Keep It Simple Sweetie) Life & Family & Ministry do not have to be complicated. There is a place in God and on Earth that one can live in peace at all times. You just need to find a place of Balance. One thing I dislike the most, is when people try to impose their views, and strong personalities up on me. I am like excuse me baby, You are trying to do God's job in my life. GET BACK! They have forgot God is the ultimate TEACHER. God is our only FATHER. If we in the ministry would just use the KISS method and give the people the BIBLE we will forever be free of any obstacles or bondage that comes our way.
"Many are trying to make ministry work the way they have structured it to be, but that is why you see a shaking within your ministry."

Ministry flows out of a broken and humbled vessel. Some are wondering what is wrong, I am doing everything correct! I am praying, fasting, giving to the poor, sowing my tithes & offering and why am I experiencing this H3ll? But I want to let you know that that is RELIGIOUS thinking; nothing is wrong except God is tearing down your faulty foundation so he can build a new temple or tabernacle! God wants to build a tabernacle of BRASS; a righteous judgments of God. I repeat once more, "Ministry flows out of a broken and humbled vessel." If you are trying to do anything from your own strength and will power then you have been defeated and overpowered by the Will & Power of God. If God has to kill the person (not physically, but spiritually) in order to bring forth his Purpose; HE will gladly take you through the fires of the trials and tribulations. Everything ain't the devil! For a matter of fact, nothing is the devil. Stop giving him glory!

God has all power then, now, and forever! The 2nd Letter to the Corinthians sets the Cross in relation to ministry. THE ALTER (WHICH IS THE CROSS) GOVERNS EVERYTHING! " When the cross in its place with its full measure, everything else will be in order, everything else will be given its meaning and its value. We are so concerned about the outside order of things, put the people in their correct order in leadership, but all along God is still trying to tear down your faulty foundation. You are going to see dysfunctional people in the house, people with disorders, and you may even meet the natural man in the House of God. You may meet conditions which are all wrong in the House of God. How are you going to deal with them? YOU CAN ONLY DEAL WITH THEM BY THE PRINCIPLE OF THE CROSS. Leaders stop acting like your ministry is so rich in money which cause you to walk in a spirit of pride. A closed mouth do not get fed. Yes, God is going to supply, but if you knew the person connected to you is the vessel he chose to supply your need, you would open your mouth.

We are so concerned about the ministers & ministries, but if the CROSS was really in its place with its full dimensions, all those things would see to themselves. The people would be right if the CROSS was in its place, the ministries would be living, full, and debt free if the CROSS was in its place. The order of the HOUSE would be right if the Cross was in its place.  We do not start with the people, we do not start with the order of the Lord's House, we do not start with the ministry; we start with the CROSS. If people, can see the CROSS, everything else would put itself right. Everything is judged by the CROSS. I recently had a conversation with a Bishop today. I was only calling to check on him because he told me he was in the hospital and had been sick. He lost his church, gone through a lot of financial issues, recently went through a divorce and too much other to name. I really felt great compassion for him. I had been praying for him and the few handful of faithful people left walking with him. Well, during the phone call he seemed very bitter. It was to the point of a rotten core in the middle of a sweet apple. I could see God still had greatness for him, but this was only a period of transition for him. Sometimes, when God is transitioning us to a more closer walk with him or a new season everybody can not go. Don't ask me why, go ask God! But instead of the Bishop seeing this as a period of Grace and taking advantage of this temporary state to fully marinate himself in the presence of God; he become very weary and allow the spirit of bitter to enter. He was very critical to the point that during the course of the conversation my Spirit become heavy and I wanted to give up and hang up the phone. The Spirit of God says, Grace my daughter, Grace! My Grace is sufficient. During the conversation the Bishop asked me a question. I felt very uncomfortable with it. I responded and said, "Bishop I am a DAUGHTER OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS. If I cross those boundaries, I have a lot to loose. For a matter of fact, it could cause me every gift God has impregnated within me. The Bishop says, well I know you are a prophetess, but could you look into the future and tell me why has God allowed this to come upon me and cause me to go through this financial drought? I said Bishop, I wish I could but God has promised to provide. All I know if substance was causing an interference with your relationship with God, then God will remove the substance and bring you closer to HIM. But what I can tell you Bishop is God has promised to never leave you nor forsake you! At that moment, you would have thought he would have been very grateful because I was speaking from an honest heart and not trying to operate in NO office except the Spirit of LOVE. But the Bishop became very irate and start to bring accusation against me. He said, you think your anointing is better than mine. You think you are better than me. I am the Bishop! Once more, I heard the Spirit of God says, Grace my daughter, Grace! My Grace is sufficient! When he stopped talking I said Bishop. None of us are more anointed and highly appointed than others. We all flow from the same stream of LIFE, which is Jesus Christ. He is the only one who died upon the Cross. God loves you just as much as he loves me and now I want to leave you with the words of the Spirit of God, Grace my Son, Grace. My Grace is sufficient!  Although, I left feeling very sorrowful in my heart for that Great Man of God, The Bishop, but I recognized that I had done my part at that time in his life and it was nothing more I could do but lay him on the ALTER (CROSS) of God. Sometimes Leaders, we just need to move out of the way and just LET GOD. LET GOD. JESUS, LET GOD HAVE HIS WAY! It is not finished until God says it is finished anyhow. ~Purified Daughter~

If the CROSS is right at the center, in full measure, and note that it is a large alter, then everything else you want will come into its right place, and into a LIVING RELATIONSHIP. ~T. Austin Sparks~ 

Before the foundation of the earth, God invested in you. He kept making a deposit. He kept the policy fully active. But now we are in a time of drought, and God is calling forth his investments he has placed within us, but many are operating like thieves and are in hiding, running, refusing to obey (which is rebellious and the bible says its the root of witchcraft). God need what is in you because it was not for you. But for you to be a carrier; and now he is ready for you to distribute it amongst many.

*Some of these words do not belong to me. All the italics and bold words belong to Mr. T. Austin Sparks so I have to give credit where credit is due.* Its the honest thing to do, I hope you were as blessed by this as I was and I hope you will use the KISS method and basic BIBLE method, and the CROSS (Alter) experience in your ministry to allow God to rebuild the Tabernacle to a house of BRASS" If you feel this is worth spreading the news, pass it along by just sending a tag to 1 person...1 can change the lives of MANY.

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