Obviously, this person or spirit had a purpose too. The individual's purpose was to get me off of my course [DIVINE PURPOSE]. The bible says,
John 10:10 NIV -
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life [PURPOSE], and that they might have it [LIFE] more abundantly...
There are 3 keys I want U to learn from the place God has U in right now!
- [1] Know your PURPOSE & STAY FOCUS;
- [2] Keep faith to PRODUCE YOUR PURPOSE;
- [3] STAY FOCUS in order to confess what you need and/or execute your PURPOSE

Matthew 12:34 (NIV)
34 You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
"YOUR WORDS": Matthew 12:34 says that "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." The key is out of the abundance of the heart, that is, "what is in the heart?"
This person kept doing nice things for me, but the communication toward me was corrupt. The person was speaking death over my life. Then, my Spirit man begins to become agitated. Well every time this individual comes in my life and leave, I begin to experience the worst in my life. Well, this person would leave for some time, and then come back again just to see if the death that was spoken had been manifested. Instantly, the individual kept asking questions. How are you doing? What is going on with you? How is ministry for you? How are your children? Are you with anyone yet? The questions were without an ending. Well, the questions were coming from the person because despite what the individual was trying to do to me, the individual never saw the fruit of the destruction that was spoken over my life manifested in my life. Of course every time the person saw me I was even more blessed than before. Well, recently, I was struggling with another similar situation from a past issued with a family member. I talked about it to Marino. I just could not shake this feeling & it effect that had negatively impacted my life for many years, but we finally figured it out. Lee Ann Marino thanks for spiritually diagnosing me. I suffered from Discernment Syndrome; where I react negatively to everything false... Marino has a great sense of humor & always keeping me laughing so I could maintain my balance. From these two similar encounters, this brings me to the psalm of David, he earnestly prayed...
Psalm 25:1-3, (NLT)
O LORD, I give my life to you. Do not let me be disgraced, or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat. No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.

The emphasis is on the letter "U" and the word "your". The Spirit of God spake to me saying, "My Daughter this is not about anyone else but YOU. Its not about what the person did, the pastor did or did not do, what someone should have done, would have done, or could have done; This is all about where I am leading YOU, in the PROMISE LAND FOR YOUR LIFE, so YOU could be a good vessel for others.
JESUS, I HOPE SOMEBODY CATCH THIS PROPHETIC WIND. You see, "WHEN OUR FOCUS IS BROKEN; OUR PURPOSE BECOMES STAGNATED". I will say it again; When your focus is broken your purpose becomes stagnated. Let's make this personal, Put your name in it; "When Prophetess Casandra focus is broken, Prophetess Casandra purpose becomes stagnated! When it becomes personal to you, then nothing, nobody, no demons in hell, or tormenting spirit, no lying spirit, no manipulative spirit, no deceptive spirit or any other unfruitful spirit can do anything in their will to STOP U!
I want you to know........The point you reach the FULLNESS of GOD creation within U or YOUR LIFE; there is NO MORE LACK for Nothing in U! I want U all to catch this prophetic wind, because the moment U do; then it will give U strength to keep moving on the divine destiny God has placed before U. When U can see what your adversary sees in U the reason he, she, or it keeps following you; then and only then will U keep from complaining & walking in separation from God. Staying Focus will keep U from the places that lead Moses to miss the opportunity to enter into the Promise land that was shown to him. Staying Focus will surely keep U from being complacent...

In Matthew 12:33,
33 “Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit.
The tree in this scriptural text (meaning the person) is either good—producing good fruit—or bad and produces bad fruit. Which are U—the good or the bad tree?
U will know which tree U are by determining your location. Have U allowed someone or thing to come to break your focus and caused U to be stagnated; or Have U remained steadfast and focused while on your divine journey?
Remember, it's not about anyone else, but it's about where and what God is leading U into! So, what will it be with U? Have U decided to STAY FOCUSED?
The picture here is that our purpose is like a mixture inside of a vessel—a bowl—and things are poured into it. At a certain point, the vessel will overflow, and an abundance will come out of it. What comes out of us—this bowl or vessel—will expose our true character of who we are, what we believe, and what we have been in fellowship with while on the divine journey.
When we pour information into our brainpower, we process it. For a while, it stays in the bowl, as it were, and becomes mixed with what has been put there before, for some people they never got rid of the old company God asked them to separate from or the old perverted speech the Spirit has been convicting us about. Our brainpower work on what is in our heart for a while, and over time, it begins to coagulate into certain thoughts. And if we are not careful, our thoughts will lead us back to the old natural man and old way of thinking. But once our minds are jam-packed, thoughts, whether good or bad, break-forth in words, intentions [purpose], and then our deeds [behaviors] have been formed. For the bible says, for the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now, if there be any evil thoughts or evil working people within your sphere, evil speech, behaviors, and/or evil works proceedeth out of U.
Galatians 5:19-21,Contrary, we can put it the other way around--Godly, kingdom breed, Christ-like thoughts that is within U, always, always, produces Godly, kind, Christ-like speech, behavior, and/or works to manifest outwardly.
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:22-25 NIV
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

From the commentary of HubPages,
"But we have to be like the women with the issue of blood; we must continue to push our way through. We have to be determined, for she was so determined to get what Jesus had for her and she knew it meant she would be blessed.
Sometimes, life can get so rough that it will make you want to give up it and make you cry out for Jesus. Most importantly, even our past mistakes will distract us from our purpose but can I tell you today that it does not matter what you used to do, or what you used to be, but we all were an x something.
But by the grace and the mercy of God he took that x and he added some more ingredients [grace and some mercy] and stood you up tall cause you do know when you take the letter x and turn it up right it becomes a t the sign of the cross.
See you need to know that many of the bible warriors throughout history were an x something and God used them in spite of their pass mistakes. For example;
Moses had committed murder the enemy tried to steal his purpose but God said he was a leader and choose him to lead the children of Israel to the promise land.
Levi committed murder in the book of Genesis and in fact he was cursed because of it but God said he was a priest and in fact not only was he a priest but the first priesthood was established through him and his descendants.
Peter the man who denied even knowing Jesus not once but 3 times God used him to establish the church.
Mary Magdalene the women who had committed adultery the enemy not only wanted to destroy her purpose he wanted to take her life, but Jesus step in right on time and she became the first women disciple [APOSTLE] to walk along side Jesus throughout his ministry.
In closing, I am living my dream. I can yet see my promise land even if I have not fully walked into it yet, because I HAVE CHOSEN TO STAY FOCUS! As a prophetic voice, I leave you this message again, ".....The point you reach the Fullness of God's creation of Love within YOU or YOUR LIFE; there is NO MORE LACK for Nothing in YOU!" I want each reader to catch this prophetic wind, because the moment you do then the life from these words will give you strength to keep moving, keep you from complaining & walking in separation from God, keep you from the place that lead Moses to miss the opportunity to enter into the Promise land that was shown him, and most importantly, it serves as a message to surely keep you from being complacent. Know Your Purpose and Stay Focused!"
1 comment:
The lord bless you my sister, great to see you on blogger and I Look forward to discovering your insight into God's Word
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